Eric Richmond's Article in Gardening

753 Think You May Have a Rodent Problem in Your Home?
When someone says the word “rodent” most people automatically think of rats or mice. But there are far more kinds of rodents such as gophers, voles, moles, and many others.
Posted on May-13-2013

719 Must Keep Bugs Out of The Flour
When you open up your bag of flour you expect to find flour. The last thing you want is to open up the bag and see that there are bugs in it!
Posted on May-01-2013

1096 Keep Pests Out Of Your Home All Year Long
Though we often wish it would be the case, not every insect will die off when cold weather rolls in. Additionally, rodents and many other animals do not become inactive while waiting for spring.
Posted on Apr-18-2013

821 Do Not Bring Bed Bugs Home With You From Vacation
Bed bugs are amazing for tiny little creatures. They can crawl from place to place, but given their very small size, it does take them quite a very long time to get from point A to point B.
Posted on Mar-20-2013

801 Put up a Home Barrier Against Termites
Termites can do a lot of damage to any home when you don’t know that they are there. A lot of people think that because termites need wood that they will live within the structure of the house and won’t ever be seen. However, this is not entirely true.
Posted on Mar-01-2013

821 Pest Control That is Environmentally Friendlier
In recent years many pest control companies have realized the benefits of switching from harsher chemicals and pesticides to much greener options. Green pest control products are just as effective at getting rid of pests as their toxic predecessors and are much better for people, pets and our planet.
Posted on Feb-20-2013